B2B Marketing News: B2B Content Key To CX, Video Consumption Changes, Falling Business Confidence, & LinkedIn’s New Discover Feed

B2B buyers aren’t always happy campers when purchasing online [Report] 94 percent of B2B buyers have said that they prefer working with suppliers that have continually-evolving digital capabilities, while some 97 percent report having experienced at least one pain point during the online purchase process — two of several findings of interest to B2B marketers contained in newly-released survey data. Digital Commerce 360 B2B Digital Marketers See Content as Vehicle to CX Improvement Some 42 percent of B2B marketers have listed investment in new content and creative assets as the top priority for improving customer experience (CX) over the next year, with 40 percent pointing to strengthening customer retention strategies, and 36 percent pinpointing better alignment of teams and tactics — three of numerous statistics of interest to digital marketers included in recently-released CX survey data.

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B2B Marketing News: B2B Content Key To CX, Video Consumption Changes, Falling Business Confidence, & LinkedIn’s New Discover Feed

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